CHilhowee ARea Ministries is an evangelistic outreach of Chilhowee Baptist Association, in Blount County, TN
We exist to lift up Christ so that all people will be drawn to Him.
Our core beliefs are
We exist to lift up Christ so that all people will be drawn to Him.
Our core beliefs are
- There is one true and living God. He reveals Himself to us as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- God created the heavens and the earth. As creator, everything in the heavens and on earth are His.
- God created man in His image, with a mind to understand Him when he communicates his message of unconditional love, with a heart to respond to Him in love, and with a will to make choices, both good and bad.
- God's creation was perfect. The first man and woman spoiled creation by choosing to believe Satan's lie instead of God's truth. Their disbelief was sin, an offense to God. Today, our disbelief is also sin. Because God is holy and righteous, He must judge sin and require the sinner to pay the penalty - death.
- Jesus Christ is God's Son. He loves you so much that He left His place of glory and honor in heaven and came to earth as a man to pay sin's penalty for all who will believe Him and turn to Him in faith.
- Three days after His death, Jesus came back to life and returned to His place in Heaven beside God the Father. He has power over all things, even death.
- All who turn to God through faith in Christ are assured that God will forgive them and give them personal relationship with God and a place with him through all eternity.
- All who believe and follow Christ are empowered to be witnesses of God's love, power and salvation throughout the world.